Monday, February 10, 2014

I Heart You Day

I made this card for my special guy.  I consider this one - both the card and finding the guy - a total success!
RR is truly a man of exceptional character who I deeply respect as a person.  Early on in our dating, a friend asked why I like him (none of my friends had met him yet at the time), and I didn't hesitate a second before emphatically replying that he is the kindest person I have ever known.  

As I've gotten to know RR, my respect of him has increased hundred-fold.  He is genuinely decent, honest, modest... all the best personality characteristics in the world, rolled up into one human being.  I couldn't say that about any other person I've ever dated, or even known.  I keep waiting with trepidation for him to disappoint me and challenge his opinions, but so far, on every single issue we encountered or discussed, I ultimately realize that he is exemplary in his morals and ethics.  

Of course, I may not always agree with his perspectives (and frankly, I frequently don't, which makes for lively debates between us!), but I can safely say that I can trust him to do what he believes is the right thing.  And he puts the utmost importance in doing the right thing.  RR broadens my horizons and opens my eyes to different points of view on the most mundane things.  He is the best man I've ever known.  

For RR's card, I created whimsical curlicues with thin copper-colored steel wires.  Here's a closeup:

RR agonized over where to take me for dinner on Valentine's Day.  Too cute!  He over-thinks everything - a trait that sometimes I love and that sometimes drives me nuts, haha.  We ended up having a beautiful evening with tasty food and very meaningful conversation.  Honestly, I would have been happy with anyplace we went to - he already scored full points for putting thought into it.  That's all that matters to me.

I kept the fact that I bought him V-Day presents to myself so that he wouldn't feel pressured to reciprocate.  His birthday and Christmas presents to me were already too, too much.  This time, I wanted to do something nice for him without telling him and seeming as if I were hinting for him to give me a gift, too.  

I gave him whiskey stones to keep his scotch cold without diluting it because when I dragged him to the Union Square holiday market this past Christmas, I noticed that he stopped to examine them at a stall and I could tell from his face that he thought they were cool (pun totally intended!).  Since he is a huge audio book listener, and it's the chilliest winter in New York in people's memories, I also got him earmuffs that also function as headphones so that he can continue to listen to books as is his habit while on his way into the office every day, and still keep his ears warm.  I also put a cute photo of the two of us in a pretty cherry-red enamel frame for him to keep on his nightstand.

Even though I didn't mention my gifts to him beforehand, he surprised me with awesome presents anyway!  So thoughtful!!  Such a keeper!!

We actually celebrated Valentine's Day yesterday because today, despite the less-than-ideal weather and road conditions, I am going on a road trip with three girlfriends that is 13-15 hours each way!  We're heading to Savannah, Georgia, and have a bunch of fun things planned like ghost tours, touring the cemetery from the movie Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil, and eating at Paula Dean's restaurant!  My friend BB describes the food there as "butter molded into the shape of different foods", haha.  I can't wait!

Happy Heart Day!  I hope that you are all as happy and feel as cherished in your relationships as I do, and that if you are still looking for that special someone, you find him or her soon!

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