Monday, January 9, 2012

What's a New Year...

...without some resolutions? Yep, it's the time of making resolutions and setting oneself up right for the coming 12 months. My resolution last year was to wear more skirts to work, even on bone-chilling days, and I am proud to say that I achieved my goal. (Hey! It was no small feat during a Northeast winter!) This year, I've given what I want to accomplish a bit more consideration.

I already volunteer plenty (I'm now a Team Leader with New York Cares!) and work on a ton of pro bono cases (I was singled out at a firm meeting to speak about all the do-gooder cases that I've done!), so a resolution about that is superfluous. I already go to the gym regularly and get ample exercise with my bellydancing, yoga, salsa, swimming, running, etc., so a resolution about that would be redundant. I think I already treat the people I care about with much love and consideration; I'm sure I could do more, but since I already try to improve this on a day-to-day basis, a specific resolution seems unnecessary.

I suppose I could resolve to exfoliate and moisturize my feet more (I'm only half joking!), but that might be even pettier than my Wear More Skirts resolution, haha. So after considerable thought, I present to you my resolutions for 2012:

- Host more parties. I've always loved the thought of being the Hostess with the Mostess and I have a huge apartment for gatherings, but I never made the effort until recently. My Holiday Cookie & Cupcake Decorating Party was such a success that I am already planning a gingerbread house decorating party next holiday season. I also have a Miracle Fruit Party in the works! I have an awesome apartment, and it makes me happy filling it with tasty treats, good conversation and big bursts of laughter, so I should do it more often.

- Organize more food tours. In the past year, I have taken a friend or three on gastronomic adventures in Manhattan and in the outer boroughs, but I was an amatuer. Now, armed with a lot more knowledge and experience (by which I mean I ate a lot this past year, haha), I'd like to share my passion for food with friends. This month, I'm leading a Flushing Food Court/Mall progressive eating tour and organizing a Brighton Beach Georgian food excursion, both of which I'm very excited about.

- Take a solo vacation. To me, the best part of traveling is experiencing and talking over things with someone special, be it a family member, a good friend or a lover. My experiences this past year - with my awesome Chicago trip standing out in particular - changed my mind. I still like traveling with companions, of course, but I was shocked to realize that I also love traveling alone! I want to try and go on at least one small solo trip every year going forward.

- Remember that: Each one of us gets thousands and thousands of lives, but each life lasts only one day. I have a tendency to worry, to think in long-term, to plan. I resolve to let go and enjoy each single day to the utmost without being anxious about where I came from and where I'm going. I will enjoy the process and not focus on the result. Delayed gratification is not always a good thing. After all, life runs out while we're preparing to live.

Above all, I resolve to act gracefully. Really shitty things happen to the best of people, people who don't deserve it. These past couple of years have seen certain things happening to me and certain people who have treated me poorly, but looking back, it is endlessly comforting that I comported myself with grace. My definition of grace is to treat people compassionately, gently and generously in defiance of how they hurt me. Ultimately, I'm grateful because I always learn something precious - about myself, about people, about the world - from the bad experiences.

And so, a bit over a month and three pounds later, I bid the holiday season of 2011 adieu. On to even bigger and better in 2012! It's going to be a really good year; I can feel it.

Happy New Year, all.

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